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Front Page


Front Page


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sign up


sign up


Yes! Sign up here and get a lovely message from me when I release new music or eventually decide to go on tour!

If it's ok with you I will occasionally send you an email when I have a new song available or if i'm feeling a bit lonely. I promise not to spam you or sell your email address unless i'm offered a lot of money.


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This week I have been eating the cat's biscuits. Please click on the Donate button if you would like to support/donate/buy me a coffee/show me you love me etc. I swear to only spend it on .....things. Thank you for your generosity.



T-Shirts & Hoodies

Be the envy of none of your friends with this cynical cash-in by Le Flex.

Probably made in a sweatshop by exploited 5-year olds, these incredible T-Shirts and hoodies will make an excellent duster once you’ve stopped listening to his music…..Click to go to the store for more designs and colours!